[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”18″ gal_title=”Clinicians Why”]
Why ART in ANATOMY? The device and equipment industry targets structures of the body, whether in diagnostic or therapeutic pursuits. Dr. Davidoff has worked as an interventional radiologist for 25 years and therefore has insight into the field’s intricacies. Many pieces derive from his experience with radiographical equipment, and the anatomical specificities in which they operate. The art therefore has particular relevance to the device and equipment industry. With his colorful artistic rendering of conventional imaging, Dr. Davidoff’s art perks interest, educates viewers, and also promotes material for a product.
WHICH CLINICAL FIELDS? ART in ANATOMY ambitiously but successfully spans all clinical fields. Diagnostic equipment is used to examine all body systems, whether through a whole body PET scan, an MRI of the brain, a radiography of the lungs, a CT scan of the coronary arteries of the heart, an ultrasound of the uterus, or an X-ray of the bones. Since many of the art pieces are derived from diagnostic radiological studies, there exists a wealth of work that includes and spans all parts of the body.
The device industry targets anatomy, whether via the cardiac pacemaker, the biliary stent, the robot used for prostatectomy, or the stent used for repair of the abdominal aortic aneurysm.
FOR WHAT PURPOSE? Educational material is essential for application specialists and consumers who will use the equipment. Image and text clarity is essential. The piece, “Scaffolding of the Heart” breaks the complex anatomy into a simple stick diagram that helps explain the anatomy of the conduction system, or the arterial supply of the heart. Graphics can be custom designed according to the specific educational purpose.
For promotional and advertising purposes, more colorful artistic images provide an eye-catching splash on the page of text, highlighting the relevant product. Branding a product can mean the difference between success and failure. Branding icons can be custom designed.
THEMES. The main intention of ART in ANATOMY is to represent anatomy in a beautiful way. Dr. Davidoff’s pieces, however, span all fields of biology, chemistry and medicine, as he has been creating these works for educational modules for over 20 years. His website thecommonvein.com, developed over the last 30 years, describes universal principles and philosophies as a foundation from which to build upon while learning medicine. These teachings are exemplified in these pieces of art. The objective of education through images has produced a broad range of styles from minimalist “stick” diagrams, to more intricate, inventive, and philosophical pieces. The liver, for example, is sometimes referred to as the metabolic warehouse of the body. It never rests and is a factory that produces 24 / 7. “Clockwork Purple” shows a purple liver embedded with a clock inside, cogs churning at full speed.
For more information or custom design contact us at: info@artinanatomy.com