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Anatomy of My Mind for the New Year

head, face, nose, mouth, lips, bones, skull, x-ray, radiology

“A Better Future?” 

X-rays are used to projects things of the mind and  feelings that go deep into the bones.  The X-ray of the front of the head looks upward and forward to the future.  This art piece was  created for the New Year of  2016 with a hope of deep introspection for  each thoughtful person to improve themselves and the world.   As the year 2015 has now come to a close, we all hope for a better future.  This is not going to be a passive inheritance from thin air.  It will require deep introspection and reflection.   The art piece shows the head of a person, taking the first step to self realisation and fulfilment – raising the question.  The need for a thorough mental review of the past and the future is an absolute necessity.  The importance of playing an active role in personal destiny is emphasised by asking the first question – ‘A Better Future? ?” implying – How do I do I get involved with my own destiny and the destiny of my family and the people close to me?  The  X-ray is used to project a feeling that goes deep into the bones.  The X-ray of the front of the head looks upward and forward to the future.

The New Year fills the mind with all sorts of thoughts and feelings about oneself and the world.  It is a time to take stock of the state of the union of the self!  There is always room for growth and improvement.

Deep reflection and introspection is needed in order to accomplish this growth.  Life is a struggle and a wrestle for all at multiple levels.  There are physical, emotional, psychological, mental and spiritual aspects.  Each person must deal with their own failures and successes.  Sometimes what seems or seemed like a failure is in fact a success.

Life is a struggle and a wrestle for all at multiple levels.  There are physical, emotional, psychological, mental and spiritual aspects.  Each person must deal with their own failures and successes.


Who am I, what am I, and who do I want to be?

Perhaps the wisest advice I received was from an egoistic professor of surgery who suggested that one should project oneself to the age of 80 and then look back and see if one accomplished what one really wanted to accomplish.  Was it money, power, or personal fame or did it have to do with fulfilling relationships?  Are there things of the body that I should have or could have done?  Are there things of the mind that I could have or should have done?  Are  there things of the soul that I could have or should have done?

head, bones, skull, X-ray, radiology, introspection, nose, chin

The First Reflection for the New Year

 In this art piece, X-rays are used to project a feeling that goes deep into the bones.  The  X-ray on the right shows a forward gaze of a person with well defined facial features. The image on the left is modified to show a blank reflection.  The art shows the head of a person, looking in the mirror at the end of the year and wondering about the past and the future.  The first  reflection is blank since the experience of  the past year and the future are difficult to grasp in that short moment.  Nothing more than the blank is expected .  Persistence and honesty with a continued effort is needed to progress beyond this point. The stare into the mirror should be more than momentary.

This art piece was also created for the new year of  2016 with a hope of deep introspection of each thoughtful person to improve themselves and the world.



“What Do I Need?” 

X-rays are used to project a deep and honest questioning as to what is really needed .  The X-ray of the right head looks upward and forward to the future. The response of excessive material wealth for show is the response in this instance  One has to decide if this dream is directed toward self fulfillment.  Showing off the prize in the hope of an egotistical victory in competition with others in the community is the passion of this person.

On second thoughts-  What do I really need?

Improving my body

head, mind, bones, protection, food, physiology

Absolutes of Life

As the year 2015 has now come to a close,, a deep search is needed – right down to the core to preserve life.    Survival is the first requirement. Protection, food, and water are absolutes.  Protection means a roof and walls to keep the threatening elements out.  Food and water means nutrition and fluid to maintain bodily function

The art piece shows the head of a person, pursuing the most basic needs.  The pursuit and acquisition of basic needs is the first step.  Although this is logical to all and everybody, the new generation forget that the first step to independence, is physical independence that requires an ability to support the most basic needs of life.  It is a lesson to communities and countries who owe this basic need to their people.  It is also a lesson to individuals who pursue personal happiness as they enter”real life” after they have been educated.   The home is a simple rustic log cabin heated by a fire.


Improving My Mind  –  Where do I start?


“Anatomy of Brain Function; Receive, Process, Produce, Export” 

shows the bare skeleton of the human brain function.  The brain receives, processes, and exports.  The complexity of these three basic functions will unfold not only in the brain but in all functional systems.  The style is reminiscent of surrealism . The complexity of brain function is reduced to its 3 major functions.

So a good place to start is to a focus on the sensory system and it so happens that Janus of January has a lesson to share!

head, brain, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, sight, hearing taste, touch, smell, X-ray, Janus

Janus in Touch with His Senses

Janus is the God of beginnings and transitions and the art piece emphasises the organs of his senses.  He is usually depicted with two heads, one facing forward to the future and the other back to the past. The month of January takes its name from the Roman god.  As we face the new year, respect for the miracle of our senses needs to be celebrated.  In line with our resolutions of the optimizing the body, taking full advantage of our senses to optimise our mind is a natural progression.  The sensory organs keep us in touch with all that is around us, and it behoves us to use these miraculous tools  to feed our mind.  The art piece shows the sensory organs including, the eyes (sight), ears (hearing), nose (smell), mouth (taste), nose (smell), and hands (touch).

This art piece asks you to …see when you look, listen when you hear, taste when you eat….feel when you touch..

 As the year 2015 has come to a close, we all hope for a better future.  This is not going to be a passive inheritance from thin air.  It will require deep introspection and reflection of real and meaningful needs.    X-rays are used to project a deep and honest questioning as to what is really needed .  The X-ray of the left head of Janus looks upward and forward to the future with senses perked. The right head of Janus looks back with senses heightened in similar fashion.  

So a good place to start is an intense focus on the basics

Absolutes of food, water, and a home ….before the pie in sky

Use the senses sensibly – See when you look, listen when you hear, taste when you eat, remember to smell….and feel when you touch..