The Uterus and Prostate Bond in Ecstasy

The uterus and prostate bonding in ecstasy is about all the sex organs getting together in the reproductive act.  The male juices (right side of the rendition) consist of a mixture of sperm, prostatic secretions, and seminal vesicle secretions.  The female system directs the ejaculate to the cervical opening. Her secretions help protect and  nourish the sperm before they proceed on the journey and race to ovum in waiting.


The Sex Organs Getting Together is an artistic rendition of the male and female organs mating in ecstatic union.  The male juices (right side of the rendition) consist of a mixture of sperm, prostatic secretions, and seminal vesicle secretions.  The female system directs the ejaculate to the cervical opening. Her secretions help protect and  nourish the sperm before they proceed on the journey and race to ovum in waiting.