The Dance of Autumn


About this product:

  • Available as a digital download without artist’s security signature in two forms:
    • High Resolution Printable Version – print up to 20 x 12 inches, 5000 × 3029 dpi  ($50)
    • Web Resolution – For web usage;  maximum dimension 800 pixels; 96 dpi ($20)
  • To view full size, click on the image – white border will not be part of purchased image
  • The digital product is downloadable once purchased
  • Product may be downloaded 5 times over the next 30 days
  • Product may be used multiple times either electronically, or printed if for your use
  • The product cannot be re-sold or placed on a product for resale

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“The Dance of Autumn” shows an impressionistic  portrayal of contemporary dance in the Fall.  The mature and mellow colors are reflected in the yellows and oranges with the occasional splash of evergreen green.