Feather Shaped Ice Crystals Grasses and Flowers
The frozen window of the kitchen, created beautiful feather shaped ice crystals that had parallels in the weathered oriental grass of the fall to its left, and purple Salvia leucantha or Mexican Bush Sage of the summer to its right.
The similarity of shape and vertical vector of the three structures intrigued the artist. On the other hand the differences in their color, and time when they best flourish are projected as well.
Cold water takes on a variety of formations and textures in both liquid and solid form. In addition a variety of crystallised forms are present. In this instance crystallised iced under the same conditions have formed uniform branching structure with similar morphology resulting in a beautiful creation of nature. One just has to look at the microcosms of the backyard and you will find little pieces of heaven and the miraculous earth such as this one.
On the day I photographed the image, the conditions were ripe. A “bad” snowstorm in February 2016 with 8-12 inches of snow, was followed by a Valentines day of zero degrees Fahrenheit, and then followed a day later by a morning with temperatures reaching 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Crystallised ice with fractal organization create the marvels of winter water but also within the plant kingdom. The ice sculpture with this unique form would of course be transient, but a click of the camera and the special moment of time in nature was captured.
Related categories: forces, shape, units to unity, time, bonds and connections, forces, water theme