Fatty Appendices Epiploica of Transverse Colon with Haustra

An X-ray has been artistically rendered to show appendices epiploica which are unique and characteristic fatty excrescences on the outer surface of the colon

They do not appear to have overt function.


An X-ray has been artistically rendered to show appendices epiploica which are unique and characteristic fatty excrescences on the outer surface of the colon

They do not appear to have overt function.

Dr. Davidoff has written a poem about the colon and refers to the tenia and the haustra

…and here it comes again: their fancy shmancy name: “appendices epiploica.”

What in heaven’s name was God thinking when he put those fatty …things!… on my waist?

I detest them!  Do you hear me? Detest!

They may have been the fashion in the time of Adam and Eve,

But God, please get with the times – they are way out of fashion.