Pulling Together of the Syncitial Cells of the Heart Muscle

“Pulling-together-in-the-syncitial-cells-of-the-heart-muscle” is an AiA rendering derived from a histological section of the cellular and histological  makeup of the heart.  The cardiac syncitial morphology is an open door design allowing free communication between the cells.  This design is particularly necessary in the heart and allows for efficient, coordinated, and collaborative communication and contraction between the cells.  It is a great example of “units to unity”. The “cell to society” concept is invoked in this example of coordinated, collaborative and supportive function of the members of the cellular society of the heart.


“Pulling-together-in-the-syncitial-cells-of-the-heart-muscle” is an AiA rendering derived from a histological section of the cellular and histological  makeup of the heart.  The cardiac syncitial morphology is an open door design allowing free communication between the cells.  This design is particularly necessary in the heart and allows for efficient, coordinated, and collaborative communication and contraction between the cells.  It is a great example of “units to unity”. The “cell to society” concept is invoked in this example of coordinated, collaborative and supportive function of the members of the cellular society of the heart.

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Related categories: heart , cellsmusclestissues