The Dance of the Flowers in My Brain

A CTA (CT angiogram) of the brain is combined with an CTA of the carotid arteries to form the image of the flower of the brain. A doppler ultrasound of the carotids creates the stem of the flower.  The flower is multiplied by three as the music gets turned on.  The flowers start to sway to the music and soon 4 more dancers join to form 12 and then a further 2.5 to form a unified gfroup of 25 swaying and dancing in unison.

The whimsical image combines images from an MRA (MRI angiogram), and a Doppler ultrasound of the carotid arteriesDr. Davidoff creates a whimsical interaction where the images combine with music to create a dance, and by multiplication recruit others to dance with them.


A CTA (CT angiogram) of the brain is combined with an CTA of the carotid arteries to form the image of the flower of the brain. A doppler ultrasound of the carotids creates the stem of the flower.  The flower is multiplied by three as the music gets turned on.  The flowers start to sway to the music and soon 4 more dancers join to form 12 and then a further 2.5 to form a unified gfroup of 25 swaying and dancing in unison.

The whimsical image combines images from an MRA (MRI angiogram), and a Doppler ultrasound of the carotid arteriesDr. Davidoff creates a whimsical interaction where the images combine with music to create a dance, and by multiplication recruit others to dance with them.