….and then there was the big bang… and the rest is history
The big bang disturbed the quietness of infinity and from the order came disorder. The forces of nature continually try bring back order – but fail because of the laws of entropy
Philosophically the concept of connecting parts in an attempt to create a bigger and more powerful whole is an endeavor of biology. Dr. Davidoff has coined this observation “units to unity”
Artistically the explosion of red, white, yellow, oranges and some green that fill the canvas and want to go beyond, utterly and completely disturb the black sphere of Oneness that was once there. This explosion at that first moment of defined time seems an utterly hopeless and irrecoverable situation. The shapes are twirly spirals that create a sense of a massively dynamic, explosive, chaotic and deafening event. The force seemingly emanates from a single point.
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Related categories: big bang to biology, minimalism, shape, units to unity, time