After the big bang, some of the original hydrogen atoms, each consisting of one electron and one proton “needed” to bond with other atoms and via the forces of “units to unity” formed new atoms with increasing number of electrons and protons. Like atoms joined forces and formed different nations of elements which are shown in this spherical periodic table. Most of these are naturally occurring.
Artistically the surrealistic piece shows the spherically shaped earth filled with her elements as she flies through the cloud filled (and water filled) sky. The finite detail of the elements outlined by defined letters and numbers is in distinct contrast to the more abstract and ethereal sky through which the earth is spinning.
Daughter earth has all that she needs to create life – atoms, elements, forces, movement, water, space, time, sun, moon, and an unconscious need to return to oneness, (units to unity).
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Related categories: big bang to biology, forces, shape, units to unity, time, bonds and connections, forces, water theme, space, spherism, surrealistic