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We the Cells of the Body, Want to Create a More Perfect Union

Adam and Eve Choose Cabinet Members for the Body’s Society of Cells

Arielle Davidoff and Ashley Davidoff  Copyright 2017

 Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better – Einstein 

As Adam and Eve entered the Garden of Eden they heard the cry of the disparate cells of the body:

“Without each other we are nothing.  Please unite us in structure and function with your wisdom. E Pluribus Unum!”

E Pluribus Unum – Out of Many, One

The cells knew they would be around for a long time; their grand scheme was to pursue Oneness. They understood the consequences of bullying, selfishness, greed, and jealousy. They also knew the power of goodness, integrity, humility, and sharing.  The cells resolved to fight the evil aspects of humanity.  56 cells from all walks of life discussed the issue of collaborative community living, and drafted a constitution they all signed in Philadelphia.  The cells submitted this proposal to Adam and Eve. It read:

We the Cells of the Body, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United Cells of the Body.”

50 representative cells overlying the stars

Adam and Eve realized that the cell was the key “person” in their society 

Adam and Eve, taken aback by the wisdom of biology, accepted the proposal and recognized the document as a marvel of humanity.  They knew it was imperfect, but accepted that as humanity learned through time, experience, and application, it could be amended and better understood.

And so what to do now?

Adam and Eve’s first task was to choose leadership for this noble effort.  Which type of cells did the society of the body need? The stakes were high; they needed to organize an efficient society in which each of the body’s 37.2 trillion individual cells would be fed, protected, fulfilled and free.  In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve examined the variety of cells that surrounded them, then turned to consider the needs of society. thinking about which to choose.

Essential Functions

They debated and discussed how to build a body to house and protect its contents and enable the person to live a full and free life.  They spoke through the night and on the sixth day they arrived at a basic plan of a successful body’s most important functions. Those functions would fulfill the direction of the constitution they had drafted earlier.

Their plan was a simple list of the body’s essential functions:

  1. control, manage, direct
  2. protect and support
  3. provide food, energy, and manufacture needed products
  4. transport
  5. maintain
  6. produce and prepare the next generation

In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve entered the society of the cells and began to select societal leaders for the various essential functions on their list.


Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden’s Cell Shop

 Adam and Eve ventured into the Garden of Eden Cell Shop with their shopping list of the functional needs for their society.

Finding the Leader Cell to Control, Manage and Direct

The cell to govern the body would need an overview of the whole situation of life and Oneness.  Its chief characteristics would be wisdom, honesty, humility and integrity. It also needed to sense and react appropriately to both the external and internal environment so that everybody could live a safe and fulfilling life. This cell also had to be able to communicate with every cell in the body – all 37.2 trillion of them – from the tip of the head to the tips of the toes.


The Neuron – “Il Presidente”

They chose the brain cell or neuron for its leadership, and they playfully called  it “Il Presidente.”  Crucially, the neuron could connect not only with other brain cells, but also (directly or indirectly) with every cell in the body. The neuron could also react to the outside environment.

Adam and Eve Trying on the Brain Cell for Size

 Adam tried on the brain cell and sought Eve’s approval.  It was tailored for both the internal and external environments.

Modified public domain work of Henri Rousseau “The Dream”  1910 (MoMA)

“Il presidente” made his first speech referencing Hillel’s sage advice: “If I am not for the body of my person who will be?  And if I am only for the body of my person, then what am I?  If not now when then?”

Adam and Eve nodded at each other, satisfied with their choice.

Finding a Cell for Protection  

Adam and Eve lived in a dangerous environment.  Wild, predatory animals ranged in size from the dinosaurs to violent religious zealots, to the smallest virus particles.  They identified two principal needs – protection from the outside, and protection from the inside of the body.  They turned first to secure internal security.

Adam and Eve were aware of Voltaire’s wise words: “Beware of the words ‘internal security,’ for they are the eternal cry of the oppressor.”  They also knew, conversely, that Cicero stated “Salus populi suprema lex esto”  –  “Let the good (or safety) of the people be the supreme (or highest) law.”

The cell responsible for internal environmental control had to be highly intelligent, so it could sensitively identify the enemy without racial profiling.  Adam and Eve searched for a long time before they encountered an amazing, introverted cell genius, decorated with Einstein’s hairstyle. They called it the macrophage.  This cell had an exquisite memory for detail and an uncanny ability to spot and destroy the enemy of peace.  Rebels and terrorists in the body were no match for this cell.


The Macrophage Police Cell with a Crazy Hairstyle

The macrophage’s motto was the simple equation:   E = mc2

Enemy of the Common Good will be taken down by the Macrophage with Great Conviction for the sake of the peace of humanity

Finding a Cell to Manufacture Food, Energy, and Other Needed Products

The manufacturing function related to internal economy.  Adam and Eve knew that a successful internal economy required self sufficiency. All able bodied cells had a right and an obligation to work.  Adam and Eve remembered and appreciated the wise words of the famous John Kennedy who declared “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

The body would need manufacturing facilities present in all of its parts.  Noticing, however, that the liver cell proved especially adept at manufacturing, Adam and Eve chose this cell to lead the body’s internal economy.

The Liver Cell – Key in Metabolic Function in the Metabolic Warehouse of the Body


Finding a Cell to Lead the Transport Function

Transport to and from the cells would be an essential bodily function.  Adam and Eve chose the red cell to lead the effort, since it could transport oxygen and carbon dioxide, which they knew is vital to life.  The red cell with its colorful hemoglobin was a natural choice.  They recognized its ability to rapidly exchange gases in the lungs and at the cell as a stunning accomplishment of nature.

Red Cell with Hemoglobin Responsible for the Transport of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide

Finding the Cell to Lead Maintenance: Repair, Cleaning and Waste Removal 


Stem Cell Maintenance and Repair

The stem cell can magically transform into many different types of cells necessary to repair and regenerate tissues, which can wear over time. Timed cell death, or apoptosis, is natural and regeneration is necessary. The adult stem cell is responsible for regeneration of blood cells, endothelia of blood vessels, and epithelia of skin, intestine, and respiratory tract.  Adult stem cells also repair tissues such as bone, cartilage, and non-cardiac muscle, which are prone to injury due to physical activity.  Adam and Eve chose the multipotential adult stem cell to maintain the body’s cell populations.

Preparation for the Next Generation 

The miracle of creation understood the importance of education.  Each generation would advance to wholeness only if it learned from the experience of prior generations.  Humanity has preserved history in archives, museums, and libraries.  Similarly, within the nucleus of each cell lies the accumulated experience of the generations in the library of the DNA.  Every cell contains all this valuable information, which continues to evolve as human experience advances.

The Library of Accumulated Experience in the Nucleus of the Cell
Courtesy of photograph provided by Ralf Roletschek / subsequently modified 

Best for Last: Reproduction

Nature drives men and woman together with the most pleasurable and profound experience to enable e plurabus unum of the female egg and male sperm.  The mechanical union is infused with a miraculous spark of life that enables the continuation of the species.
Sperm and Egg Meet and a Miracle (not to be taken for granted) Occurs
Adam and Eve rested, exhausted in each other arms, assured that the wonderful human experiment had begun.

And the next day…

…there was a meeting of the minds on the palace lawn.

 7 Cabinet Ministers Posing in Front of Government Center

The 7 cells chosen by Adam and Eve to  to advise the design of the structure and function of the body.

From left to right; Liver cell (manufacture), Macrophage (defense and protection) Ovum (reproduction) Neuron (government) Sperm (reproduction) Stem cell (maintenance and repair) and Red cell (transport)


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Adam and Eve: foundations of human biology

Essentials of Human Biology: 

The Story of Adam and Eve as they lay the foundations of humanity

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve were the forerunners of human biology, who were charged with building society and humanity. They began with nothing but their common sense, human instincts, and a vision for the perfect person and community.


As they stood observing the wonder of sunset and the ocean, they pondered the prediction that their seed would be multiplied as greatly as the stars of the heavens, and the sands on the shore.  This idea seemed unfathomable. They knew, however, that humanity needed a solid foundation.

From these early beginnings, they understood the most basic principles of life. The desired end was fulfillment of the physical, mental and spiritual needs of both the individual and the community. Their task was to design a template with universal application, one that could stand the test of time.

For the physical aspect they knew:

     1) Structure and Function were the basic elements of biology and life.

     2) Structure was made of parts.


     3) Function consisted of 3 vital abilities: receive, process, and export.


     4) Collaboration was essential, between:

          structure and structure, function and function, and structure and function


     For the mental life, they knew essential elements were more abstract and included abilities in:

         sensory function




         expressive function  

For the spiritual life:

the ultimate goal was to achieve Oneness, which conceptually was the most abstract and difficult to achieve.

Space and Time

Adam and Eve dealt with the physical constraints of space and time.  They understood that unlike space, time was progressive.  Time influenced both the individual life as well as the life of the species in perpetuity.

They knew the evolution of an entire species would require a long, almost indefinite amount of time. Since an individual life is relatively short, growth and especially reproduction in a single life cycle would be essential. Only a miracle could answer the challenge of creating a new life, and this miracle, unlike evolution, would be urgently necessary. Adam and Eve therefore turned to their Creator, and begged for this miracle as an immediate need.

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The Common Vein: Clarity in Complexity


The Common Vein (TCV) is a learning process that clarifies the complexities of biology and medicine.


Complexity is the prodigy of the world.

Simplicity is the sensation of the universe.

Behind complexity, there is always simplicity to be revealed.

Inside simplicity, there is always complexity to be discovered

                                                                                                                        Gang Yu

The Common Vein is a tree of knowledge that brings simplicity to the complexity of human biology and medicine.  Its arborized organization enables a stepwise, progressive approach to self learning.  Any student who can read, and who is motivated, will advance through this rich network of material. Most principles begin with a simple word or concept, within which resides encyclopedic complexity.  The root elements of that word can be explained in a sentence, which then progresses in volume and complexity to a paragraph, then a chapter, then a book, and beyond.

Imagine a library with all of its books strewn over the floor.  It would be nearly impossible to navigate the available information. Efficient organization of information is the key to understanding it. This concept holds true in any field of education.

Organizing Information


From a Background of Complexity to an Organized Simplicity 

The above art-piece shows a background of extensive, pixellated, and seemingly inaccessible information. As it organizes into the central, conical figure, it begins to make sense. The word at the bottom of the cone becomes defined into its key elements (the 5 different colors of the circle).  A definition follows, which succinctly describes the essence of those principles. These elements advance to greater complexity at the next level: the paragraph.  Each elemental principle is further expanded in a chapter.  The ladder of organized information progresses, while remaining connected to its source. Roots and branches, origins and growth, are recurring themes in The Common Vein.

As we learn, we acquire new knowledge. At the same time, we modify and enhance preexisting knowledge. Education should therefore be viewed as a process, rather than a collection of facts (Learning Wikipedia). TCV’s cumulative approach reinforces previous knowledge as it advances existing knowledge. With the understanding that memory and its application are so key to the learning process, TCV encourages beginning with the roots (basics) and building to the branches (details) in a logical fashion.

The Tree of Knowledge

Below is a diagram of knowledge in its bare form. From the central trunk extends an arborising framework, from roots to branches, which represents advancement, or growth.


Roots and Branches: Sources and Growth


Roots and Branches: Sources and Growth – Advancing Complexity

The trunk reflects a single idea or concept (tree), which is part of a continuum belonging to something beyond it (branches) and something before it (roots).  The tree’s roots and branches again exemplify the concept of building upon previous knowledge.  The trunk’s extensions, in the form of roots and branches, are complex yet logical in their organization. A tree’s growth is multifaceted, yet progressive. The parts work together for the sake of the single element: the tree. In the tree, complexity and simplicity coexist.


A distinct focus on principles, especially as a starting point, provides a useful framework for learning. The Common Vein’s is founded upon principles that grow in complexity, which helps the student navigate the daunting mass of biological and medical information.

Principles of Human Biology

The image below diagrams human biology in its basic parts:


This diagram of human biology is structurally identical to the diagram above. This diagram shows that the roots of human biology lie in both the structural and functional sciences. Combined, those two sciences enable the miracles of the working body and working mind. This simple diagram captures the entirety of human biology. Beyond these base elements lies magical complexity, which we can never fully grasp.

Principles of Medicine

This diagram, again identical in structure to the two above, explains that the roots of human disease originate in the disorder of the structural and functional sciences. The branches of diagnosis and treatment have evolved in response to the need for order and health of the body and mind.


This tree illustrates The Common Vein’s central theme. Each biological part has both a structure and a function.  When they are in order and work cohesively, there is health.  With disorder, conversely, comes disease. The field of medicine attempts to bring order using two major disciplines: diagnosis and treatment.

Because roots and branches remain connected, a change in one element means a consequence in the others. The disciplines of diagnosis and treatment are founded upon the ability to identify and treat disordered structure and function. For example, an obstructed coronary artery causes a heart attack.  The clot in the artery causes a structural problem, with a the functional consequence (damaged heart muscle).   Coronary arteriography diagnoses the structural abnormality, and a cardiac echocardiogram diagnoses the functional consequence (decreased muscle contraction).  The treatment aims to reverse the structural abnormality by dissolving the clot, as it also aims to reverse the functional abnormality.

The Common Vein

The Common Vein finds clarity in complexity. It navigates the learner through complex information in order to understand, remember, and apply the knowledge.  Two major elements are used:

  1. Basic principles, which are connected and advanced through
  2. An arborised organization.

The “common” in the common vein refers to basic principles, while the “vein” represents the arborised connections creating a tree of knowledge.

Learning starts from the most basic element, and with careful progression, advances in detail.  Learning evolves over time, as it builds upon and enhances previous knowledge. The tree’s roots of knowledge reflect the learner’s existing knowledge. They are connected to the branches, which symbolize the paths of growth.

The Common Vein requires requires the ability to read, and passion for the subject material. With those, the whole field of biology and medicine opens up, and eventually, students learn to apply this network of knowledge as thoughtful thinkers and practitioners.